Julia van den Bosch
Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, U.K
Julia’s source of inspiration as an artist is the exploration of nature and the changing seasons. Her work at the moment is concentrated on different forms of plant life and trying to convey and share the fascination and joy of each new discovery in its richness and texture and detail of design, be it flower, leaf or seed.
She chooses to work in hand stitch because each stitch can be considered in its placement, colour and form. With nature subjects, it allows a natural organic progression echoing the ebb and flow and rhythms that exist in the living world which all lend healing to the psyche. And hand embroidery lets intuition and intent guide the hand. It allows as much time as is needed to enter fully into an empathetic understanding of the subject matter. For Julia this is invaluable in her wish to try to transmit its essence and its energy into a lasting textural, dimensional artwork that is ‘alive’ and shares its wonder and its heart and its magic to bewitch the beholder.
Find out more about Julia van den Bosch:
Website juliavandenbosch.com