Jane Walkley

Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K

Jane Walkley is a UK based Contemporary Tapestry Weaver.

She studied for BA (Hons) Crafts specialising in ceramics and woven textiles at Manchester Metropolitan University (1993) and has an MA in Creative Practice from Leeds Arts University (2019).

Jane’s artistic practice considers how the regeneration of industrial landscapes in the North of England invoke memory and attachment within communities.  Jane questions whether site-specific interactions can help to bridge the gap between memory and place in the absence of the workplace activities that took place in these re-purposed buildings. This allows connections to be made with the past keeping memories and the attachment we feel towards these places alive. 

Jane takes clay impressions from the sites she documents to create moulds in which to cast jesmonite. Once cured and set these small jesmonite units are woven piece by piece on an upright loom. This approach enables Jane to explore traditional woven techniques whilst incorporating new material technology.  The finished work takes on a sculptural quality that maintains a physical and visual connection to the site, linking place, memory and materiality.

Find out more about Jane Walkley:

Website janewalkey.com

Instagram @janevwalkley

Twitter @janevwalkley

Facebook @janevwalkley