Consuelo Simpson

Hampshire, U.K

Consuelo Simpson’s art practice probes how we experience the world through our bodies.  The artist is as interested in the creativity of the making process as in the final outcome.

The work explores the notion that making is a dialogue with material in which maker and matter are active participants. In this sense, the work is in a state of perpetual becoming. Using sculpture, print and installation, the form is temporary, carrying with it the potential for change, seeking neither perfection nor an end.  To focus on the process is a way of understanding that thinking takes place alongside making, hands and body responding to materials. 

Things become, as does our knowledge of them’ (Ingold:2017:13) 

 Her art practice seeks moments of contentment, noticing flashes of enchantment and reaches an accommodation with the world around us.  

‘Enchantment includes … a condition of exhilaration...  To be simultaneously transfixed in wonder and transported by sense, to be both caught up and carried away’ (Bennett, 2001:13) 


Bennett, J (2001) The Enchantment of Modern Life Princeton and Woodstock : Princeton University Press 

Ingold, T (2017) Correspondences Available online at [accessed 13 May 2018 

Find out more about Consuelo Simpson:


Instagram @ConsueloSimpson

Twitter @SimpsonConsuelo