Curiouser and curiouser, Claire has tumbled down a rabbit hole, similar to Alice yet this hole seems to be littered with unanswered questions, to which she must find answers.

Claire is an award winning British textile artist and has recently been featured on the BBC2 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Show.  Her work is held in collections in Europe, Australia and the USA.

This place exists somewhere between childhood and becoming an adult and all the things in between.. from when we are born to what we become and are we really a product of our upbringing and environment and is change truly possible?

Claire explores this dialogue through her embroidery and artwork. She is fascinated by women and their journey through life and explores them through their stories true, perceived and otherwise.

She is also interested in trauma having experienced it herself and she asks the questions about how these things impact on our lives and is it possible to heal from these events and truly live.

As Oprah would say…. “What happened to you?” as opposed to What’s wrong with you?

Claire has ongoing series which include Project Woman which currently looks at women throughout history. Alongside this she has the Bra series which also looks at women in history, how they are viewed and presented to the masses. This series is stitched on to bras and begun with Emily Davison and Millicent Fawcett Courage bra.

Find out more about Claire Mort:


Instagram @clairemortartist